7 Steps To Detox and How Can Detox Help Your Body

It seems like everyone is talking about how healthy it is to detox and how good it is for the body.  I’m not sure if that’s something for me but since I am turning towards healthier lifestyle, I’m willing to try various things to improve my general wellbeing. So as usual I’ve started searching for information about the process of detox. Experts say that everyone should detox at least once a year.

What is Detox

Toxins are substances that can harm your body. They derive from foods, beverages, alcohol, smoking, drugs and stress, and when in excess can leave a person feeling tired, sick and overweight. Detoxifying your body may be defined as cleansing the body from poisons and toxins that may have accumulated in the colon, lymph, lungs, gallbladder, skin, blood, kidneys and liver. Basically, detoxification means cleaning the blood. It does this mainly by removing impurities from the blood in the liver, where toxins are processed for elimination.   With natural detox methods you can apply to safely and effectively cleanse your body of these harmful toxins. The body eliminates toxins through the kidneys, intestines, lungs, lymph and skin. Detox gives the body a chance to get rid of these toxins making your body more effective in doing this job in the future.  If you have frequent, unexplained headaches or back pain, memory failing, brittle nails and hair, frequent allergies, acne or overweight, then it’s a signs that detoxification is needed. Nutritionists advice is to avoid using fast and extreme detox programs, they recommend to choose a safe, natural way to detoxify your system.

Detoxifying your body is a natural method which you can use to safely and effectively cleanse your body of these harmful toxins. Lessening the burden on the detoxification organs by reducing the body’s exposure to pollutions and toxins for s set period of time. A restricted, healthy diet accompanied by certain supplements will help us eliminate these toxins in our body.

Detoxification programs can vary greatly, between restricting intake to juice only to allowing only for a diet consisting mainly of vegetables, fruit and whole-grains.

  • 1. Use whole foods, such as fruits and vegetables and healthy fats, to improve your body’s ability to cleanse itself. Whole foods include grains (such as whole grain flours, brown and wild rice, quinoa); organic or minimally treated fruits and vegetables.
  • 2. Vitamin C supplement, it is a powerful antioxidant which helps detoxify or cleanse the body from harmful substances.
  • 3. Drink water – 8 – 10 glasses daily.
  • 4. Relax – stress and anxiety have negative affect on your body.Breathe deeply to allow  oxygen to your blood circulation.
  • 5. Dry skin brushing – it stimulates skin circulation, removes dead skin cells, improves blood and lymphatic circulation, and helps remove toxins excreted via the skin.
  • 6. The diet isn’t the only thing that can help. Regular exercises brings more oxygen-rich blood to your kidneys and liver, which allows them to eliminate toxins more effectively. Sweating also helps your body to eliminate wastes through perspiration.
  • 7. Saunas have been used for centuries as an effective detoxification tool for the skin.

Benefits of Detox:

  • Elimination of toxins and poisons that have been running through your body.
  • A cleansed colon that prevents constipation that may cause fatigue, lethargy and bloating.
  • Weight loss.
  • A strengthened immune system.
  • Healthier lifestyle.

Cons of Detox:

  • Some people experience limited weight loss, or weight that quickly returns once the detox is over once old habits return.

How to Get Rid of Cellulite

English: Larger scale uneveness of the skin of...Cellulite is caused by a collection of fat that pushes into the skin’s upper layer giving a dimpled look. About 80% of women have cellulite, but men can also get it, although it’s not as common. Getting rid of cellulite can be tricky and takes both patience and time. There are two things that works against cellulite, that is to stimulate your circulation and diet. There is no need to buy expensive Anti-Cellulite Cream because researchers have discovered that none of these work – even though the producers claim they do miracles.

  • Drink water:  Drink six to eight glasses of water per day. Water keeps the skin hydrated and flushes out toxins.(which ultimately causes cellulite). You can also try herbal teas.
  • Eat foods that provide Lecithin and Protein:   Lecithin rich foods, so they’re great for getting rid of cellulite. Eat these foods daily as they restore the strength of dermal cells. Foods that is rich of lecithin are eggs, apples, soy, spinach, cauliflower, peanuts and Iceberg lettuce. Protein stimulates and strengthens the production of collagen and elastin which keeps cellulite at bay. Water retention can be part of the cellulite problem, but protein can help as it contains albumin, which helps absorb excess fluid. Therefore you should eat foods that contains protein, like  lean meats, poultry, fish, nuts, skimmed milk, pulses and tofu.
  • Cardio exercise:  It is proven to help you get rid of cellulite. Do exercises that target the buttocks, hips and thigh areas. Walking is one of the very best ways to slim your thighs and improve your general health and well-being. You should start walking at the pace that is right for you and then gradually quicken up your pace. Walking can burn off more than 300 calories an hour. You can walk to work, pop out at lunchtime for a brisk stroll or on a treadmill. Cycling, swimming and running are also great.  Use every opportunity you get in everyday life to be physically active, remember to take the stairs instead of the elevator,  to keep off the pounds and to get rid of cellulite as it stimulates circulation and keeps your skin smooth.
  • Use Scrub: Use a scrub every time you shower   Scrubbing your skin helps remove dead skin cells, stimulates circulation and boosts your lymphatic flow. It increases circulation and helps out the poor drainage in fat cells that causes cellulite. For the best results brush daily, using long strokes towards your heart.
  • Massage:  Good massage increases circulation and lymphatic drainage and breaks down adhesions, it also reduces stress. As a result in the skin tissues gets smoother and the body eliminates of excess fluid. Self massage for cellulite on the thighs or troubled areas, to stimulate circulation and break up fluids beneath your skin. Use your hands to knead the problem area. If you perform this on regular basis may be pleasantly surprised at the results.
  • Endermologie: This is a mechanical massage technique which is used to treat cellulite reduction and skin toning. It combines very firm massaging, rolling and sucking at the skin’s surface in an attempt to break up the fat cells that cause cellulite, boosts blood circulation and stretches the collagen fibres. A visible improvement can be seen after few session. The only downfall is that this treatment is expensive, but it works. I’ve tried it and it is gives very nice massage and is not painful, except around the joints. The result was great, I was very pleased with it and would go again if my wallet would allow it.
  • No smoking: Smoking can worsen cellulite as it cuts off your skin’s food supply and floods your body with toxins.

Deutsch: Cellulite am Oberschenkel