Fingernails Can Reveal Clues About Your Health

Did you know that your fingernails can reveal clues about your physical & mental health. Strong, healthy nails reflect a strong, healthy you. You can tell if your nails are healthy simply by noticing their color, naturally pink nails are healthy with kept cuticle and free from peeling or cracking.

Your fingernails can give clues about your lifestyle, if you are eating healthy or not. Fingernails can reflect some nutritional deficiencies, such as low levels of iron, biotin and protein. Healthy nutritional choices support healthy hair, skin and nails. It’s plain and simple you are what you eat, so if you want to look healthy – eat healthy.

Occasionally we all experience some issues with our fingernails, but normally it only lasts for a short period of time and is usually caused by nutritional issues, stress or bad lifestyle. Your nails can provide important clues about what’s going on in the rest of your body. Fingernail problems are not to ignore, they can reveal health problems like asthma, diabetes, heart problems, cancer, psoriasis, malnutrition or respiratory disease. Any changes in the color, texture or shape of your nails may indicate a long list of underlying medical conditions.  gives you an opportunity to identify your fingernail problem through an 4-step observation online. If you have nail issues try this tool that will identify your problem for free:

The little things in life

People often take the small things in life for granted, things like health, love, kids, money and the abilities to walk, talk see and hear. When all of those things can be taken away from us so easily in a split of a second. We never know what happens next in life, it can be winning the lottery, meeting the love of your life, getting your dreamhouse, accident or illness. All of those things are so important to us and to our happiness. We all should learn to appreciate the little things in life that make our day´s worthwhile. I know it sounds corny, but counting your blessings isn´t a bad idea because those are the things that matters. To sit down and think about your blessings is a great way to obtain positive thinking wich makes you happier and you gain more emotional balance, so what are your blessings in life?

Why Stretching Is So Important

Stretching is important to keep the muscles well circulated and healthy, too many people neglect it – myself included. Most days we spend in the same posture, sitting at the desk all day. If we do not stretch we make or muscles short and tight. Wich will lead to health problems like a stiff neck and shoulder or a headache and a sore back. Stretching increases your blood flow and flexibility, wich makes it more comfortable to perform physical activity. Stretching will also improve your posture. If we don’t stretch regularly we will increase the risk of aches and pain, caused by short, stiff muscles. It only takes few minutes each day to stretch.

The Importance of Breast Self-Examination

A breast self-examination involves checking your breasts for lumps or changes. The reason women do breast self-exams is to learn what’s normal for their breasts. The best time to do a self breast exam is about 3 – 5 days after your period starts. The best way to perform a breast self-examination is lying down and lightly touch your breasts with your fingertips. Then press down your fingers gently yet firmly, using small circular motions to examine the entire breast. Look for changes or problems in the breast tissue. Even though you discover a lump in your brest it doesn’t necessarily mean that you have cancer, but it’s important to see a doctor to be sure.  Breast cancer can occur at any age, though it is most common in women older than 50.  For further information I recommend the site

October – National Breast Cancer Awareness Month

125441145280Ag9hOctober is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. People all over the world are wearing pink ribbons to honor survivors, remember those lost to the disease, and to support the progress we are making together to defeat breast cancer. It’s also a reminder for women of all ages to be aware of the importance to perform breast self-exams at least once a mont. About 40% of diagnosed breast cancers are detected by women performing a regular breast self-exam. If you feel a lump in your breast don’t wait – see a doctor.  Mammograms can also help you to detect cancer.  Finding breast cancer early and treating it are the most important strategies in the fight against it. 

Blogs, websites, networks and social media pages around the world are turning the internet pink to help raise awareness for breast cancer!  It’s our way of helping out and spreading the word about breast cancer.

The Color of Vegetables Tells Which Vitamins and Healthy Substances They Contain

Did you know that the colors of fruits and vegetables tell you which unique vitamins and healthy substances they contain? Therefore you should choose colorful vegetables on your plate, this will make you’ll sure to take in a wide range of nutrients. Here are some examples of different colored vegetables and the nutrients they contain:


Green vegetables contain a powerful antioxidant called lutein. It promotes good vision and healthy skin. It may also reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease by slowing the narrowing of arteries. Therefore it’s recommended to eat vegetables like broccoli, spinach, green beans, asparagus, cucumbers, celery, peppers and artichokes.


Red vegetables contain antioxidants such as lycopene and anthocyanins, which have anti-inflammatory properties and promote healthy heart. Red vegetables are also brain boosters that support good memory. Researchers claim that they reduce the risk of cancer. It’s recommended to eat tomatoes, peppers and red onion to maintain good health.

Yellow and orange:

Yellow and orange vegetable contain vitamin C and several types of antioxidants. It has been shown that consuming  those vegetables helps to maintain a healthy heart and eyes. They contain antioxidant called carotenoids which slows arthritis and according to researchers reduces the risk of certain cancers, such as lung, stomach, bladder and breast. Bioflavonoids and vitamin C work together to strengthen the immune system. Examples of vegetables in this category are peppers, sweet potatoes, carrots and pumpkin.


White vegetables contain nutrients that provide powerful immune boosting activity.  They are a rich source of many nutrients you tend to fall short on, like fiber, potassium, and magnesium. They also contain nutrients that is belived to reduce the risk of cancer in colon, breast, and prostate. In addition to all that they also help balance hormone levels, which reduces the risk of hormone-related cancers.


Purple vegetable contain especially powerful antioxidant called flavonoid that is believed to reduce the risk of heart disease and have beneficial effects on memory. It has also been shown to lower the risk of cancer. This includes vegetables such as eggplant, purple asparagus and red cabbage.

Flat Belly Diet Foods




 1 Yogurt



Yogurt has a calming effect for the probiotic bacteria that help keep your stomach healthy. A new study people who consumed yogurt each day lost 81% more fat around their belly than those who didn’t eat yogurt. . The calcium in yogurt reduces namely fat absorption from other foods. Best results were in unsweetened yogurt and greek yogurt.





 2 Eggs



Eggs are one of the best and most cheapest protein sources with 6-9 grams of protein per egg. Eggs can be counted as a superfood because it contains many vitamins. If you’re concerned that eggs increase cholesterol you can relax because there are two types of cholesterol, the good HDL and bad LDL. Eggs contain mainly the good kind.



English: veggies






  3 Green vegetables



 Spinach and romaine lettuce are all extremely low in calories, full of fibre and contain  vitamins and minerals that help to ease water retention.



green tea



4 Green Tea



Green Tea contain high dose of antioxidants, called catechins,which have been shown to be particularly good for reducing fat around the belly. Athletes who drank four cups of green tea a day for 12 weeks, lost more than eight times more fat around the stomach than those who drank coffee, according to a study published in the Journal of Nutrition.



5  Appel



They contain water-soluble pectin fibers that keep us satiated and reduces insulin levels in the body. Too much insulin is neither good for your health or metabolism and tells your body to store energy. Appel is also very rich of fibre which helps the digestion.





6 Tomatoes



Tomatoes are full of antioxidants and have been found to reduce inflammation and water retention in the body, as well as reversing leptin resistance. Leptin is a type of protein which helps to regulate metabolic rate and appetite. Therefore tomatoes can help you lose weight.





7 Turkey, Chicken, Bananas



9 out of 10 women suffer from PMS symptoms. To prevent and reduce the effects, it is good to eat foods that contain tryptophan, which helps the body produce more of the feel-good hormone serotonin. Turkey, chicken and bananas contain high levels of the substance.





 8 Oatmeal



It’s great to start to the day with a bowl of oatmeal. Oatmeal contains fibers that stimulates bowel movements which makes digestion more efficient, increase satiety and stops cravings. Oatmeal is also a great source of magnesium, iron and B vitamins.



Berry Harvest from Parents' Garden

 9 Berries



Berries are rich of antioxidant grenades and filled with nutrients that increase blood flow in the body and brings oxygen to your muscles.Berries are rich of vitamin C which also provides fat burning an extra boost because vitamin C is needed for the liver and kidneys to produce the amino acid carnitine, which transforms fat into energy.




 10 Water



If the body lacks fluids it can influence our mental energy and it helps to maintain the balance of body fluids. You need to drink 8 – 10 glasses of water per day to keep your body hydrated. Drinking water helps you lose weight because it helps your body to get rid of  toxins from your body. It gives healthy skin and helps the digestion.




 11 Nuts and almonds



Almonds and nuts are especially beneficial for the stomach. Almonds are rich in vitamins and magnesium which regulates the stress hormone cortisol. If you are stressed your body will after some time, begin to store more fat around the stomach which is particularly harmful to your cardiovascular health.




Never Go Shopping On An Empty Stomach

Image credit: ginasanders / 123RF Stock Photo
Image credit: ginasanders / 123RF Stock Photo

You should never go shopping for groceries on an empty stomach because it influences your food choices. It’s been proven to  increase the risk of giving in to junk-food temptations. Which can cause frustration and regrets of having given in to those cravings. To prevent that from happening you should always eat a healthful snack before you go shopping. It been confirmed by researchers that shopping while hungry does influence what you buy and makes it more difficult for you to avoid junk-food and sweets.