This Is Why Garlic Is Great For Your Health

English: A basket of garlic (allium sativum) o...

You probably often heard that Garlic is great for your health but do you know why it’s so great? Garlic is a widely recognized health enhancing supplement and it is packed with vitamins and nutrients. Few weeks ago my mother was having trouble with eczema, a nutritionist she talked to told her to eat some fresh garlic, one sector each day. Just chop it into little bits, then put it between slices of bread and eat. Just make sure to drink a big glass of water with it – it’s important. If you take little bites and swallow it with water, you don’t need to chew it much then you can skip the garlic breath. After taking this for a week my moms eczema got better. It hasn’t disappeared completely but the problem areas are fewer, smaller and not as itchy. Eating a raw garlic gives the maximum effect, a cooked garlic does not have the same health benefits as raw garlic cloves – but all is not lost. You will still get some of the health benefits of garlic if you eat cooked garlic – as long as it’s not cooked in a microwave.

Because of its distinct taste and aroma, garlic is a commonly used spice. Garlic is great for cooking because it gives a wonderful, tasty flavor, however people often avoid eating garlic cause of the bad garlic breath. Good advice against this bad breath is drinking lemon juice or eating a few slices of lemon, that will stop garlic breath.

  • Garlic helps strengthen the body’s defenses against allergies – Garlic helps removing excessive toxins from the body can help alleviate seasonal allergies.
  • Garlic helps regulate your blood sugar levels  and is therefore great for people with diabetes.
  • Garlic can help regulate the blood pressure – whether you’re blood pressure is high or low,  garlic can help equalize it.
  • Garlic is good for the heart – it promotes the well-being of the heart. Garlic helps to prevent arteriosclerosis and thereby reducing the risk of heart attack or stroke.
  • Garlic reduces Cholesterol – many studies confirming that garlic in several forms can reduce cholesterol.
  • Garlic is improves the blood circulation – Garlic has ability to increase the blood circulation, which helps maintaining healthy blood circulation.
  • Garlic is an Antioxidant – the organic compound, allicin, which gives garlic its aroma and flavor, acts as very  powerful antioxidant.
  • Garlic strengthens the immune system – Many researches show that garlic promotes healthy immune system function and strengthens the body’s defenses. One of garlic’s most potent health benefits includes the ability to enhance the body’s immune cell activity. Garlic works as a powerful antibiotic,  helping the immune system to  fight infection and bacteria.
  • Garlic reduces lung problems – It helps against asthma, coughs, hoarseness and difficulty of breathing. It’s particularly helpful against bronchitis, because it promotes expectoration.
  • Garlic can cure ear infections – Take a small piece of garlic and wrap it in some tissue. Then you insert it into the ear, best is to keep it in there overnight for maximum effect. It should reduce the pain within 24 hours and the infection should start clearing up.
  • Garlic helps against parasites – it can actually help the body getting rid of parasites such as pin worms.
  • Garlic gets rid of plantar warts – Plantar warts refer to warts affecting the sole of the foot and, unlike other warts, may cause pain or bleed when walking. To get rid of them just take fresh garlic cloves and crush them, apply to the wart until it disappear.

    മലയാളം: Garlic